Impact of blood pressure levels within first 24 hours after mechanical thrombectomy on clinical outcome in acute ischemic stroke patientsDavid Cernik, Daniel Sanak, Petra Divisova, Martin Kocher, Filip Cihlar, Jana Zapletalova, Tomas Veverka, Andrea Prcuchova, Dusan Ospalik, Marie Cerna, Petra Janousova, Michal Kral, Tomas Dornak, Vojtech Prasil, David FrancSee the full list of authors
6 February 2019
Distal transradial access in the anatomical snuffbox for diagnostic cerebral angiographyMarie-Christine Brunet, Stephanie H Chen, Samir Sur, David J McCarthy, Brian Snelling, Dileep R Yavagal, Robert M Starke, Eric C Peterson
27 February 2019
Outcomes of endovascular thrombectomy in the elderly: a ‘real-world’ multicenter studyAli Alawieh, Robert M Starke, Arindam Rano Chatterjee, Aquilla Turk, Reade De Leacy, Ansaar T Rai, Kyle Fargen, Peter Kan, Jasmeet Singh, Lukas Vilella, Fábio A Nascimento, Travis M Dumont, David McCarthy, Alejandro M Spiotta
2 November 2018
eTICI reperfusion: defining success in endovascular stroke therapyDavid S Liebeskind, Serge Bracard, Francis Guillemin, Reza Jahan, Tudor G Jovin, Charles BLM Majoie, Peter J Mitchell, Aad van der Lugt, Bijoy K Menon, Luis San Román, Bruce CV Campbell, Keith W Muir, Michael D Hill, Diederik WJ Dippel, Jeffrey L SaverSee the full list of authors
7 September 2018
Susceptibility vessel sign on MRI predicts better clinical outcome in patients with anterior circulation acute stroke treated with stent retriever as first-line strategyRomain Bourcier, Wagih Ben Hassen, Sébastien Soize, Pascal Roux, Julien Labreuche, Maeva Kyheng, Marie Tisserand, Charlotte Rosso, Raphael Blanc, Michel Piotin, Imad Derraz, Gregoire Boulouis, Catherine Oppenheim, Hubert Desal, Serge BracardSee the full list of authors
28 August 2018
Sex differences in 90-day outcomes after mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic strokeTracy E Madsen, Eliza DeCroce-Movson, Morgan Hemendinger, Ryan A McTaggart, Shadi Yaghi, Shawna Cutting, Karen L Furie, Ali Saad, Matthew S Siket, Mahesh V Jayaraman
10 August 2018
Current evidence for anesthesia management during endovascular stroke therapy: updated systematic review and meta-analysisNitin Goyal, Konark Malhotra, Muhammad F Ishfaq, Georgios Tsivgoulis, Christopher Nickele, Daniel Hoit, Adam S Arthur, Andrei V Alexandrov, Lucas Elijovich
15 June 2018
Wide-neck bifurcation aneurysms of the middle cerebral artery and basilar apex treated by endovascular techniques: a multicentre, core lab adjudicated study evaluating safety and durability of occlusion (BRANCH)Reade A De Leacy, Kyle M Fargen, Justin R Mascitelli, Johanna Fifi, Lena Turkheimer, Xiangnan Zhang, Aman B Patel, Matthew J Koch, Aditya S Pandey, D Andrew Wilkinson, Julius Griauzde, Robert F James, Enzo M Fortuny, Aurora Cruz, Alan BoulosSee the full list of authors
1 June 2018
Can diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging alone accurately triage anterior circulation acute ischemic stroke patients to endovascular therapy?Dylan N Wolman, Michael Iv, Max Wintermark, Gregory Zaharchuk, Michael P Marks, Huy M Do, Robert L Dodd, Gregory W Albers, Maarten G Lansberg, Jeremy J Heit
19 March 2018
Thrombectomy 6-24 hours after stroke in trial ineligible patientsShashvat M Desai, Marcelo Rocha, Bradley J Molyneaux, Matthew Starr, Cynthia L Kenmuir, Bradley A Gross, Brian Thomas Jankowitz, Tudor G Jovin, Ashutosh P Jadhav
17 May 2018