Follow-up ASPECTS improves prediction of potentially lethal malignant edema in patients with large middle cerebral artery strokeRebecca Stafford, Stefanos Chatzidakis, Ivy So Yeon Kim, Yihan Zhang, Andriani Rina, Benjamin Brush, Asim Mian, Mohamad Abdalkader, David M Greer, Stelios M Smirnakis, Steven K Feske, Josée Dupuis, Charlene J Ong
30 December 2023
Sex differences in outcomes after endovascular treatment in posterior circulation stroke: results from the MR CLEAN RegistryMariam Ali, Luuk Dekker, Mahsoem Ali, Erik W Van Zwet, Jeanette Hofmeijer, Paul J Nederkoorn, Charles BLM Majoie, Adriaan CGM van Es, Maarten Uyttenboogaart, Anne van der Meij, Marianne A A van Walderveen, Marieke C Visser, Diederik WJ Dippel, Wouter J Schonewille, Ido R van den WijngaardSee the full list of authors
3 January 2024
Repeat thrombectomy after large vessel re-occlusion: a propensity score matched analysis of technical and clinical outcomesYoussef M Zohdy, Hassan Saad, Brian M Howard, C Michael Cawley, Aqueel Pabaney, Feras Akbik, Laurie Dimisko, Ilko Maier, Alejandro M Spiotta, Pascal Jabbour, Stacey Q Wolfe, Ansaar Rai, Joon-tae Kim, Justin Mascitelli, Robert M StarkeSee the full list of authors
17 January 2024
Impact of atherosclerotic etiology on technical and clinical outcomes of mechanical thrombectomy with a stent retriever: subanalysis of the Japan Trevo RegistryShuntaro Kuwahara, Kazutaka Uchida, Nobuyuki Sakai, Hiroshi Yamagami, Hirotoshi Imamura, Masataka Takeuchi, Manabu Shirakawa, Fumihiro Sakakibara, Koichi Haraguchi, Naoto Kimura, Kentaro Suzuki, Shinichi Yoshimura
3 January 2024
Endovascular therapy of acute vertebrobasilar occlusions: influence of first-line strategy in the Endovascular Treatment in Ischemic Stroke (ETIS) RegistryImen Bekri, Stefanos Finitsis, Silvia Pizzuto, Benjamin Maier, Michel Piotin, Omer F Eker, Gaultier Marnat, Igor Sibon, Cyril Dargazanli, Romain Bourcier, Bertrand Lapergue, Raoul Pop, Jildaz Caroff, Benjamin Gory, Fernando PicoSee the full list of authors
1 February 2024
Competitive leptomeningeal flow impact on thrombectomy reperfusion grade ratingHassan Aboul-Nour, Jaydevsinh Dolia, Mohamed A Tarek, Jonathan A Grossberg, Aqueel Pabaney, Mateus Damiani, Alhamza R Al-Bayati, Raul G Nogueira, Diogo C Haussen
1 February 2024
Clinically important effect sizes for clinical trials using infarct growth reduction as the primary outcome: a systematic reviewNien-chen Liao, Mersedeh Bahr Hosseini, Jeffrey L Saver
31 October 2023
Cineangiography versus standard digital subtraction angiography in mechanical thrombectomy: lowering the radiation exposure without sacrificing the outcomeStefano Molinaro, Francesco Mistretta, Riccardo Russo, Gaetano Risi, Fabrizio Venturi, Mauro Bergui
23 January 2024
Random expert sampling for deep learning segmentation of acute ischemic stroke on non-contrast CTSophie Ostmeier, Brian Axelrod, Yongkai Liu, Yannan Yu, Bin Jiang, Nicole Yuen, Benjamin Pulli, Benjamin F J Verhaaren, Hussam Kaka, Max Wintermark, Patrik Michel, Abdelkader Mahammedi, Christian Federau, Maarten G Lansberg, Gregory W AlbersSee the full list of authors
1 February 2024
Enhancing thrombectomy outcomes with Adaptive Pulsatile Aspiration (APA): the role of complete clot ingestion in reducing thrombectomy time and distal embolizationVictor M Lu, John Thompson, Turki Elarjani, Emade Jaman, Josiah Sherman, Manning Hanser, Mazen Abuawad, Kaustubh Limaye, Waldo R Guerrero, Kunal Vakharia, Daniel Walzman, Isaac Josh Abecassis, Reade Andrew De Leacy, R Webster Crowley, Robert M Starke
18 December 2024