Role of optical coherence tomography in pipeline embolization device for the treatment of vertebral–basilar artery dissecting aneurysmsYongjie Ma, Zhe Ji, Wanxin Yang, Li Li, Liqiang Han, Yu Liu, Yuanhao Guo, Adam A Dmytriw, Chuan He, Guilin Li, Hongqi Zhang
7 March 2023
Deep learning-based cerebral aneurysm segmentation and morphological analysis with three-dimensional rotational angiographyHidehisa Nishi, Nicole M Cancelliere, Ariana Rustici, Guillaume Charbonnier, Vanessa Chan, Julian Spears, Thomas R Marotta, Vitor Mendes Pereira
16 May 2023
Hemodynamic assessment for intracranial atherosclerosis from angiographic images: a clinical validation studyPengfei Yang, Shu Wan, Jun Wang, Yumeng Hu, Ning Ma, Xiaohui Wang, Yongwei Zhang, Lei Zhang, Xuan Zhu, Fang Shen, Qian Zheng, Ming Wang, Xiaochang Leng, Jens Fiehler, Adnan H SiddiquiSee the full list of authors
25 April 2023
Endovascular intervention for the treatment of epistaxis: cone beam CT review of anatomy, collateral, and treatment implications/efficacyMadeline Hoover, Robert Berwanger, John A Scott, Andrew DeNardo, Krishna Amuluru, Troy Payner, Charles Kulwin, Eytan Raz, Daniel Gibson, Daniel H Sahlein
5 April 2023
Simplified stroke imaging selection modality for endovascular thrombectomy in the extended time window: systematic review and meta-analysisZimei Dong, Shan Deng, Jian Zhang, Shijian Chen, Ziming Ye, Limei Zhang, Ruiting Hu, Cai Zhong, Xiuying Liu, Chao Qin
7 December 2022
Breaking with a dogma: persisting diffusion restrictions (pDWI) in follow-up after endovascular treatment for strokeMoritz Roman Hernandez Petzsche, Tobias Boeckh-Behrens, Kathleen Bernkopf, Simone Henze, Christian Maegerlein, Dominik Sepp, Claus Zimmer, Silke Wunderlich, Benno Ikenberg, Maria Teresa Berndt
20 December 2022
Natural history of spontaneous intracranial hypotension: a clinical and imaging studyJames Williams, Waleed Brinjikji, Jeremy K Cutsforth-Gregory
10 November 2022
Susceptibility weighted imaging for ruptured basilar artery perforator aneurysms in the setting of angiographically negative subarachnoid hemorrhageFrançois Zhu, Liang Liao, Serge Bracard, Anne-Laure Derelle, Patricio Muszynski, Isabelle Merlot, Sophie Planel, Emmanuelle Schmitt, Marc Braun, Benjamin Gory, René Anxionnat
26 September 2022
A new method for assessing transverse sinus stenosis with CT venography based on the venous trans-stenotic pressure gradientHeyu Ding, Pengfei Zhao, Han Lv, Xiaoshuai Li, Xiaoyu Qiu, Chihang Dai, Ning Xu, Guopeng Wang, Zhenghan Yang, Shusheng Gong, Long Jin, Zhenchang Wang
7 October 2022
Retained radial catheters associated with variant radial anatomy in neurointerventional proceduresJoshua S Catapano, Ethan A Winkler, Visish M Srinivasan, Evan L Dishion, Caleb Rutledge, Jacob F Baranoski, Tyler S Cole, Robert F Rudy, Kavelin Rumalla, Martin P Zomaya, Ashutosh P Jadhav, Andrew F Ducruet, Felipe C Albuquerque
9 September 2022