Fluoroscopic exposure during percutaneous balloon compression of the Gasserian ganglionPatrick Fransen
7 June 2012
CT-guided cryoablation for palliation of secondary trigeminal neuralgia from head and neck malignancySuhail A Dar, Zachary Love, John D Prologo, Daniel Pierce Hsu
30 March 2012
Onyx embolization of an extensive mandibular arteriovenous malformation via a dual lumen balloon catheter: a technical case reportJohanna Fifi, Yasunari Niimi, Alejandro Berenstein
16 January 2012
Current treatment strategies for epistaxis: a multidisciplinary approachPratik A Shukla, Norman Chan, Ennis J Duffis, Jean Anderson Eloy, Charles Joseph Prestigiacomo, Chirag D Gandhi
9 January 2012
Cyberknife radiosurgery in treating trigeminal neuralgiaBryan M Lazzara, Orlando Ortiz, Ritu Bordia, Matthew R Witten, Jonathan A Haas, Alan J Katz, Jeffrey A Brown
25 January 2012
Low-flow vascular malformations of the head and neck: clinicopathology and image guided therapyZachary Love, Daniel Pierce Hsu
3 October 2011
Covered stents safely utilized to prevent catastrophic hemorrhage in patients with advanced head and neck malignancyTodd Miller, Judah Burns, Joaquim Farinhas, David Pasquale, Amit Haboosheh, Jacqueline A Bello, Allan Brook
7 October 2011
Direct intraoperative confirmation of penetration of ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer (Onyx) into the vasa nervosa of the facial nerveJames Chen, Benjamin Crane, John Niparko, Dheeraj Gandhi
27 September 2011
Direct puncture of the highest cervical segment of the internal carotid artery for treatment of an iatrogenic carotid cavernous fistula in a patient with Ehlers-Danlos syndromeAdam Khan, Neeraj Chaudhary, Aditya S Pandey, Joseph J Gemmete
14 November 2011
Particle embolization of the bilateral superior and inferior alveolar arteries for life threatening dental socket hemorrhageNancy Pham, Thinesh Sivapatham, Muhammad S Hussain, Tarun Bhalla, Thomas J Masaryk, Ferdinand K Hui
9 August 2011