Republished: Covered stents for exclusion of iatrogenic common carotid artery–internal jugular vein fistula and brachiocephalic artery pseudoaneurysmSoheil Kooraki, Jochen Grohmann, Samer Elshikh, Horst Urbach, Stephan Meckel
29 June 2015
Republished: Transvenous sclerotherapy of a large symptomatic orbital venous varix using a microcatheter balloon and bleomycinVenu Vadlamudi, Joseph J Gemmete, Neeraj Chaudhary, Aditya S Pandey, Alon Kahana
29 June 2015
Drug eluting stents versus bare metal stents for the treatment of extracranial vertebral artery disease: a meta-analysisVivek H Tank, Ritam Ghosh, Vikas Gupta, Nakul Sheth, Shariyah Gordon, Wenzhuan He, Steven F Modica, Charles J Prestigiacomo, Chirag D Gandhi
15 July 2015
Mid- and long-term outcomes of carotid-cavernous fistula endovascular management with Onyx and n-BCA: experience of a single tertiary centerSean M Barber, Leonardo Rangel-Castilla, Y Jonathan Zhang, Richard Klucznik, Orlando Diaz
18 August 2014
Adjunctive techniques for optimization of ocular hemodynamics in children undergoing ophthalmic artery infusion chemotherapyTodd A Abruzzo, James I Geller, Dale A Kimbrough, Samantha Michaels, Zélia M Corrêa, Kevin Cornell, James J Augsburger
1 September 2014
Endovascular therapy of extracranial carotid artery pseudoaneurysms: case series and literature reviewChristopher J Seward, Travis M Dumont, Elad I Levy
25 July 2014
Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling using desmopressin or corticotropic-releasing hormone: a single-center experienceAmy R Deipolyi, Bailin Alexander, Jun Rho, Joshua A Hirsch, Rahmi Oklu
4 July 2014
Balloon-augmented Onyx endovascular ligation: initial human experience and comparison with coil ligationToshiya Osanai, Mark D Bain, Gabor Toth, M Shazam Hussain, Ferdinand K Hui
26 May 2014
Primary endovascular treatment of post-irradiated carotid pseudoaneurysm at the skull base with the Pipeline embolization deviceAnderson Chun-On Tsang, Kar-ming Leung, Raymond Lee, Wai-man Lui, Gilberto Ka-Kit Leung
22 May 2014
Cervical–petrous internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm presenting with otorrhagia treated with endovascular techniquesJustin R Mascitelli, Reade A De Leacy, Eric K Oermann, Branko Skovrlj, Eric E Smouha, Sharif H Ellozy, Aman B Patel
4 July 2014